Friday, November 23, 2007

cutie Camryn

This little girl comes camera ready! We literally woke her up from her nap and thirty seconds later started taking photos. I've never met a child so willing to smile - trust me, she comes by it naturally. Her parents are two of my favorite people in the world!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

fall is in the air

I'm not normally a huge fan of color photos, but when nature provides such a backdrop, who can resist? Emma and Isabelle are gorgeous with or without the fall foliage - and they adore their parents. Thanks for a great morning with your beautiful family!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Who could possibly resist Anthony in this little newsboy cap? And his sister is beautiful! Thanks for a fun and entertaining afternoon you two!

Friday, October 26, 2007

babies everywhere...

Mara has a new baby brother (whom I shall post later) and she loves taking care of him with her other babies. So much so, in fact, she insisted they be in her photos. What a cutie!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

fast boys, fast cars...

Ian and Colin love two things - cars and their little sister Kate. I had fun trying to keep up with them and Kate had fun watching it all!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

three's company

These cuties are a treat! Elena and Lucia were all smiles as they danced and helped with new little brother CJ. CJ was anxious to do nothing other than sleep - what newborns do best!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

if you're happy and you know it...

This is Ava. Ava is hysterically adorable. I've never met a child with quite so many expressions! She was reading her emotions book and had to show me her surprised face, followed by her angry face - with voice included! Thanks so much Jennifer and Sean for introducing your little cutie!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

double cousins...

Only in Kentucky can one be legally double related to someone, hehehe. Follow if you can - my mom and Judy are cousins; my dad and Ronnie are cousins. Mom married Dad; Judy married Ronnie - everyone had kids (myself and my cousins Carla and sister Kelly included). Carla and Kelly and I have the same great-grandparents on both sides.

Even if you didn't follow all of that, you have to agree that Great Grandmother Elliott and Great Grandmother Flowers would adore these kiddos. Will and Katey are just like their mom in a lot of ways - and with Owen being a little like me, I think these cousins will have as many fun days as we did as kids!


I was in my hometown of Paducah, Kentucky last weekend and met up with my cousins for some photos. Kaeli is two and a ball of energy! I got my much need pregnancy exercise trying to keep up with her and her big sister Zoe at a local park. Thanks girls!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

camryn hope...

Somehow I lost this photo in my attempts to organize photos on my new computer. How excited I was to discover it today!

Monday, September 17, 2007

abbie and ian....

This brother and sister pair couldn't be cuter! The weather was unseasonably cool for a Saturday in September, but they were great sports!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

more than smiles

If I only captured the photos my own son smiles for, let's just say I'd have more room on the bookcase for albums. This was my sleepy little pumpkin this morning after daddy dropped him off at one of my sessions. Smile or no smile, he's the most beautifully amazing part of my life.

Monday, September 10, 2007

McGibby wedding....

I was in a friend's wedding this weekend and took a few photos. It was a beautiful event from start to finish! I don't think Cincinnati has had rain in two months - until it was time for us to leave for the church! Thank goodness for a sweet spirited bride - she just kept smiling!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I love mommy...

Moms are too often on the other side of the lens. How sweet it is to capture an expression like this one!

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Who could possibly resist two beautiful Italian girls? Sabrina and Marisa are precious sisters. Happy first birthday Marisa!