I love little boys! They are just such unpredictable fun! So I was thrilled when a friend asked me to photograph her two little guys recently - here are a few favorites.
I love these three kiddos. My oldest child is smitten with Elena - and if he could take his eyes off her for a second, he'd be equally taken with little Lucia. Lucky for them, brother CJ is watching out for the boys! Cute, cute kids - and once you see their parents, you'll agree that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Welcome sweet baby Kira! And what a lucky girl to have two such fun, sweet sisters. Look out boys! I have a feeling dad's hair may go prematurely gray - especially if they're lucky enough to look like their beautiful mama!
This little cutie, Marin, is six months old already! I've never met a baby who was SOOOO easy going! She was such a great participant! Happy six months Marin!
It's been ages since I've posted new photos - not because I haven't taken any - there just aren't enough hours in the day to do all I want to do. That said, I wanted my first posting of 2009 to be a special one - and these two did not disappoint. Kendall is my brother in-law, for those of you who notice his dashing good looks - same gene pool as my hot husband and cutie kids, hehe. And it takes only a second to see why he loves Claire so much - if her eyes don't steal your heart, her smile and warm personality surely will.